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Supporting individuals to find creative solutions to life's challenges.
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Tin Drum Therapy

Supporting individuals to find creative solutions to life’s challenges.

I Hear You.

Hello! My name is Danielle and I’m a counselling and creative arts therapist.

Are you facing sadness, worry, repetitive thoughts, following experiences that are tough to talk about, violence and trauma resulting in numbness, isolation? Do you want to dig deeper, to better understand these events and how they are impacting your life now? Do you feel increasingly ready to move through and beyond the difficulties you face, to embrace what feels more like the real you?

I am trained to work creatively with folks who are in the midst of life’s challenges, to help them process and cope with their emotions. I know how to work with trauma, survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, through the use of evidence-based treatments like Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE), and Hypnotherapy for Trauma (CHyp), as well as Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). I regularly support clients experiencing anxiety and depression, ADHD, Bipolar and Borderline.

Using the arts, I can offer creative ways to assist you in your personal growth. Perhaps traditional talk therapy has not been effective for you. My practice is grounded in the collaborative approach known as narrative therapy. We are all multi-storied individuals who can benefit from countering our “problem story” with one that is more positive and encouraging.

I am also particularly skilled in music therapy, which can involve playing music but also includes the use of guided imagery and music as a therapeutic approach. A carefully developed playlist, for example, can make an incredible difference in one’s life that should not be underestimated.

Whatever your struggles are, and whether you want to talk out your stories, engage emotionally with music, or take a different approach, please reach out. I hear you.

You can find out more about my qualifications and what I’m up to here.

Learn about what services are offered here and call or email to book a session. I look forward to meeting you and hearing your story.

Danielle Jakubiak

MMus, MA, RCT, CCC, CHyp

"When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest."

Henry David Thoreau, 1857